Penniac Wilderness / Penniac Wilderness Adventures
Brand Identity Development

Penniac Wilderness started as a YouTube channel owned and operated by Dr. Jonathan Clayton, a general practitioner based out of Fredericton, New Brunswick. It documents his process of building an off-grid dove-tail style cabin in Penniac, NB – one which he eventually moved into as his fulltime residence.

Outside of running this channel he also facilitates expeditions to a number of the world’s most amazing locations including Mount Kilimanjaro, Denali, and even the Everest Basecamp.

Client Brief

As the Penniac Wilderness channel grew in popularity (currently over 43k subscribers) Jonathon decided that he wanted to tighten up his online appearance with a brandmark for the channel. With that, came a need for a secondary mark for Penniac Wilderness Adventures: a company hosting amazing excursions all over the world. He wanted to logos to be similar/related but wanted them to each be able to stand out on their own.

Our Approach

We jumped right in and focused on a series of related logo sets with related and often overlapping elements. After the initial selection of two preferred sets were decided on, we tightened up the designs, made a few minor tweaks and presented them with fill ‘stylescapes’ to show how the brand would look and interact with real-world elements.

Initial Brandmark Concepts

'Stylescapes' with adjustments from Selections

The Result

Ultimately, Jonathan was thrilled with the 2 final selections to the point where he requested both! We were just as thrilled with his selections and think they look great!

We have since also helped them build out their web presence by creating

Final Brand Identity Mark (logo)

Brand Guidelines

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